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Church Camp 2014

    Natasha, her husband and son standing with trees behind them

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    Every year, our church goes camping. Click here to see photos from last year’s camping trip. I always look forward to it and come back with so many great memories. This year the weather was perfect; mid-80’s to 90˚F with a few cozy thunderstorms. We camped from Wednesday to Sunday. Here’s a peek into our trip.

    I always love to change up the old routine and camping was just that; daily! Every morning, I woke up when the air was still crisp and cool. I cranked up the tent heater, propped my cold jeans near it and quickly got dressed; wrapping myself in my cozy sweatshirt before stepping out.

    Somehow my husband and son slept in at least a half hour after I was up which is the opposite of what happens at home. After washing my face and brushing my teeth among the trees, my first stop was the campfire that warmed my face as I leisurely applied all of my makeup (camping is no reason to look like a cavewoman ;)).

    Once my parents had the coffee maker going (powered by their generator), I pushed my flat-iron into the spare plug and spruced up my hair (don’t judge me).

    During the day we had all kinds of adventures; we picked wild huckleberries in the forest, went fishing often (and there is absolutely nothing like freshly caught, pan-fried trout; I’d eat 2-3 trout at a time). Once a fish was on the line, the kids would grab the pole and reel it in, which they loved. We also went boating, swimming in the lake, hiking, walking, attended church services outdoors, and entertained the kiddos with games.

    The nights always looked the same; visiting the neighbors campfires, cooking up s’mores, and roasting sausages over the flames. I’ll miss it. All, except for the bathroom situation. Yeah there’s nothing like having a faulty lock on the door and having someone walk in on you. :-O. Yeah I was happy to come back to a real bathroom and my shower.

    Summer Camp 2014-5

    Summer Camp 2014-4

    Every year, the littles get a little bit bigger, but they’re still so little and cute. I love da babies!

    Summer Camp 2014-6

    I think breakfast was my favorite meal of the day.

    Summer Camp 2014-14

    Summer Camp 2014-7

    That penguin sweatshirt. I can’t resist squeezing my nephew. He’s such a darling.

    Summer Camp 2014-15

    My explorers. My son never once missed his iPad or was short of fun things to do.

    Summer Camp 2014-13

    This little guy was panning for “gold” and all kinds of treasures. I need to get a real pan kit. That would be so fun!

    Summer Camp 2014-11

    Summer Camp 2014-19

    This is the same spot our family occupies every year. That’s our tent to the left 🙂

    Summer Camp 2014

    Here’s my sis Alla setting up the watermelon eating contest

    Summer Camp 2014-17

    Summer Camp 2014-16

    We had lots of games planned for the kids to keep them busy. They sure had fun.

    Summer Camp 2014-9

    Summer Camp 2014-10

    Summer Camp 2014-18

    The youngest campers put together bible skits and had the most creative costumes. They did an amazing job! Meet the lion from Noah’s Ark. I can’t get over those sweet whiskers secured by discreet industrial black tape.

    Summer Camp 2014-20

    So long camping. See you next year! This is the entire group minus about 10 peeps who didn’t make it into the picture. We might be outgrowing our camping spot! 😉

    Summer Camp 2014-12

    Natasha Kravchuk

    Welcome to my kitchen! I am Natasha, the creator behind Natasha's Kitchen (established in 2009), and I share family-friendly, authentic recipes. I am a New York Times Best-Selling cookbook author and a trusted video personality in the culinary world. My husband, Vadim, and I run this blog together, ensuring every recipe we share is thoroughly tested and approved. Our mission is to provide you with delicious, reliable recipes you can count on. Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy you are here.

    Read more posts by Natasha

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    • Nicole
      August 22, 2014

      Church camp is the best! I am so excited we can now go to family church camp, now that we have our son (not as just a couple).


      • Natasha
        August 23, 2014

        It’s definitely more interesting with kids. Harder but so much fun 🙂


    • Julie @ Lovely Little Kitchen
      August 18, 2014

      Oh how fun! And I agree, camping is no reason to look like a cavewoman! So funny… and next time we go camping we will have to do a watermelon eating contest. Just love that idea. Looks like many good memories were made!


      • Natasha
        August 18, 2014

        It is so much fun for kids or adults or both! Last year the adults did the contest and we made much larger slices but smaller ones for the kids so they weren’t all barfing at the end. lol.


    • allison
      August 14, 2014

      Looks like you are having soo much fun. I have been going camping for about five years in a row. This year we didn’t go because every time we go, the ladies are on the kitchen ALL day and the man sit by the fire or play with the kids and miss their wives. I guess it’s just the way our camping group is designed. I would love to go and cook as less as possible and spend all the time with family and friends. But it hasn’t happened so far. I tried cooking simple meals separate for my family not to stay on the kitchen all day, but it doesn’t work because everyone else is all together cooking and I feel like we are separating our selves, because we finish eating and stuff and every one is on the kitchen together and we are just by our selves. Most people do complain about this issue but there are a few that really like it and so everyone just follows them…. so not a good camping experience for us.


      • Natasha
        August 14, 2014

        Oh man that is a bummer. We used to have communal meals like that too a long time ago but it was always the same people doing all the work and it was too hard to satisfy everyone so now we break up into our own small groups (usually families) and cook our own food. You’re right, that cooking situation doesn’t sound very fun at all..


    • Yana
      August 14, 2014

      I thought I was the only one who put on make up while camping lol now I know I’m not 🙂 You looked great and your family is beautiful! God Bless!


      • Natasha
        August 14, 2014

        Ha ha, nope you’re not alone! Thank you Yana 🙂


    • Erin R.
      August 14, 2014

      Ha ha! Camping is supposed to be fun! If you like looking good while camping, then straighten and make up your heart out. Bravo for doing things your way. 🙂


      • Natasha
        August 14, 2014

        Maybe that’s part of why I got up earlier than the rest; so no one would harass me about spending time on that stuff. I’m so used to wearing makeup that I just feel naked without it 🙂 Thanks Erin 🙂


    • Julia @Vikalinka
      August 14, 2014

      Looks like so much fun! I never look this good when I camp! lol My church just got back from a week camping but I couldn’t take any time off work. So sad.


      • Natasha
        August 14, 2014

        Oh man that is a bummer. I missed part of camp because of work last year. I hope you get to go next year!


    • Lindsey @ American Heritage Cooking
      August 13, 2014

      Aww it looks like you all had such a blast!!! Booo to faulty locks on bathroom doors! So how *do* you manage to look so adorable in the woods…I always look “special”?!


      • Natasha
        August 13, 2014

        I had my share of “special” lol. I had my straightener and my Dad’s generator to plug it into. 🙂 I cheated.


        • Lindsey @ American Heritage Cooking
          August 14, 2014

          There is no cheating when photographic evidence is involved!


          • Natasha
            August 14, 2014

            Ha ha. Well said. 😉


    • Olviya@servingsisters.com
      August 13, 2014

      Camping is SO much fun! It’s such a great time for families/churches to unite. Looks like you guys had a fabulous time!…especially since you had fresh coffee. 😉 Thanks for sharing!


      • Natasha
        August 13, 2014

        It was so nice to have fresh coffee. Last year we had instant coffee and we ended up getting coffee donations from the other campsites. lol. I agree; it’s a great way to unite and fellowship. We live in a social media age where everyone is terribly un-social in person, so this was so good for everyone! It also helped that we lost internet wi-fi connection at the campsite. It made me a little anxious not to be able to check into my blog, but at the same time I was happy for the break to be unplugged 🙂


    • Lina
      August 13, 2014

      I miss camping now!! Sure looks fun! Your sister even manages to do her hair! When does she have time for that?!!!


      • Natasha
        August 13, 2014

        That’s what I love about camping; there’s no real rush for anything! 🙂


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