MAUI 2011

    Natasha and her family with a palm tree behind them

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    We just returned from a nice rest in Maui 🙂 Lots of sun and perfect weather in the high 70’s to mid 80’s. The best part was the much-needed REST. I took my homework with me, but I didn’t do any of it (which I do not regret). Here are some highlights from our vacation.
    The first day on the beach, our son was so repulsed by the sand on his feet, he just pursed his lips and kept saying “ewwww” and “kaka.” The next day we put him in some sox and water shoes and he didn’t mind the sand one bit.

    We took the shoes and sox off after a couple hours and the sand no longer phased him. He went to the other extreme – throwing sand on his hat, rolling down sandy slopes and demolishing sand castles – he loved it!

    A little boy standing on a beach pulling a boogie board

    Our son really enjoyed Maui – he was so well behaved the entire time – probably because he was always busy with new adventures.

    Natasha and her son at the beach with palm trees behind them
    Natasha and her husband sitting on a bench

    A big grin followed…

    A father and son smiling at the camera

    God must have enjoyed making Maui such a beautiful place.

    A pink flower with green leaves

    David is taking a break on the golf course

    A man that is standing on a knee with his son leaning on his knee

    Whale watching with crazy hair – it was really windy!

    Natasha smiling for the camera with air hair flying in the wind

    David loved the aquarium (ok, so did we)

    A group of people looking at something

    Love, Love, Love, Love…….

    A man and a woman standing, hugging

    The only thing missing is a set of wings 🙂

    A woman holding her son at the beach

    He was playing with my hair so sweetly … it was a nice moment

    Natasha and her son at the beach, he is reaching to her cheeks
    A close up of a person holding a baby

    Anything eventful happen during your spring break? I’d love to hear from you!

    Leave a Comment


    • Ludka
      April 6, 2011

      Natasha your Maui pictures look so amazing…. aaah I miss Maui. The pictures of David and you are breathtaking. Thank you for sharing.


    • Elona
      April 4, 2011

      I’m glad you had a great trip! You look so happy and relaxed! We seem to be on the same schedule since I just got back from a trip to France. Hopefully, I’ll post my pics soon.


      • Natasha
        April 4, 2011

        I look forward to checking out your pictures too. France sounds awesome! Did You have a good time?


    • svetlana
      March 29, 2011

      these are some excellent pictures, im glad my nephew enjoyed his first vacation, even though grandmas will be a vacation with every visit inthe summer, i wish i was there to see his reactions, u guys looked like u had ooddles of fun!


      • Natasha
        March 29, 2011

        Thanks Sveta – so true, David loves visiting Grandmas – have you witnessed his upset fits when I try to take him home from a day filled with yard explorations? Oh dear.


    • Natalia K
      March 29, 2011

      I can just feel the breeze seeing your hair flying in all the pics :). It’s one of my favorite parts of Maui weather–as soon as you feel you might be getting too hot, a lovely breeze picks up. Glad you guys had a fun, relaxing family vacay.


    • Elina (Russian Bites)
      March 29, 2011

      Maui is so beautiful. Sounds like the perfect getaway with family 🙂


    • Inna
      March 29, 2011

      Whoops… meant to say guys* (not guy… its way too early)


      • Natasha
        March 29, 2011

        I understand the concept of “too early” all too well. It’s always fun to discover that you have your shirt on inside out 🙂


    • Inna
      March 29, 2011

      Natasha-glad to hear you guy enjoyed Hawaii. Gorgeous pics! Love the 2nd from the bottom. Such an intimate moment to capture. Love it 🙂


      • Natasha
        March 29, 2011

        It was a wonderful moment. I have like 5 pictures of him running his little fingers through my hair – he is such a sweetheart, just like his daddy. He amazes me 🙂


    • Irina
      March 29, 2011

      You all look so cute…..adorable lil’ guy you have. Looks like a beautiful place, glad you had a good time. thanks for sharing your photo’s…….


    • Whitney
      March 29, 2011

      I enjoy seeing photos of you with your sweet family! Ochen krasavitsa! So glad you had a wonderful visit:) My husband is from Hawaii and he liked seeing the old sites that reminded him of home too. I gotta ask, did you eat any of the local treats like poi, spam musabi or laulau?


      • Natasha
        March 29, 2011

        On our first visit to maui, we ate out quite a bit and enjoyed the local fare. This time, we stocked up at Costco and did alot of BBQ’ing at home. We did have tons of Maui pineapple and it was great – it doesn’t sting your tongue like the pineapple shipped to the mainland. Those food names don’t sound familiar, but we tried so much new food during our first visit, I’m not sure what was what 🙂


    • Joe in N Calif
      March 28, 2011

      That’s a raht fahn lookin’ lil yard ape you have there, Natalia.
      (an’ momma ain’t hard on the eyes neither!)


    • Anastacia
      March 28, 2011

      You are so stinkin cute Natasha! A true beauty 🙂


      • Natasha
        March 28, 2011

        My husband likes your comment very much 🙂 Thank you – sheesh, I’m flattered 🙂


    • Ulyana
      March 28, 2011

      You’re such a pretty mum Natasha and your son is just gorgeous. The pictures are relaxing just to look at : ))


    • Veronica
      March 28, 2011

      Gorgeous pictures! I especially like the last three with your son. 🙂 I’m glad you got some time to relax–that is so necessary when you are leading such a hectic life as yourself!


      • Natasha
        March 28, 2011

        Thanks Veronica! The relaxing truly was the best part – It was great not to have any stressors except what to cook for dinner (not really a stressor when my mom did most of the cooking! – And the men BBQ’d ofcourse)


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