Well, It’s About Time! + Fall 2017 Happenings

    Natasha and family posing with shovels in hand

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    We’ve been busy! Over the past few months, we stepped back a bit and realized we’ve been working too much and really stretching ourselves thin. We made a conscious decision to set some boundaries in order to work a little less and play more. Fall has been so fun since we made that decision. We’ve been getting out more; making memories with the kids and have begun a most exciting project!


    Natasha and her son shoveling dirt and her daughter playing with it

    We are breaking ground TODAY on our dream home!! We took a few photos to remember this day. We hope this home will be our forever home (God willing). I honestly don’t ever want to move again. By the time we move into our new home, it will have been 2 years living with my parents, which has been the best possible scenario for us but it gets hard since we live and work at home. I just want to move in already and camp in the big hole they are digging. In my mind, I’m already moved in and have placed the Christmas tree. Eeeek, I’m just bubbling with excitement.

    Home Search Update:

    After a year and a half of searching for our dream home, we realized it didn’t exist. We weren’t ultra picky – there just aren’t very many homes on the market. It’s a tough market! Prices are soaring in Idaho for homes and land so when this gem of a property came available, we took it as a gift from the Lord.

    This lot sums up all of the desires of our hearts and if you question whether God really gives you the desires of your heart, HE DOES! It is 1 acre on a quiet street, in the heart of where we wanted to live, next to a grocery store (yes that was a dream of mine!), close to school and my family, very private without backyard neighbors. It’s just as dreamy as it gets and when I think about how it’s ours and that realization hits me, the waterworks start – it’s overwhelming joy and thankfulness. I feel undeserving of such a blessing and we know it is an answered prayer.

    A son and father shoveling dirt

    The Story of our Dream Lot:

    We initially called the builder about this lot while driving around in the summer months. It was already reserved for someone else so we moved on and kept searching. After that, we put a solid offer on another home that did not work out despite a personal letter with pictures of my cute children – lol. It’s funny now but I was in such turmoil over it. And then out of nowhere, the builder calls me and tells me his buyer switched to a different lot. THANK YOU LORD!! Now we are praying for an extended Autumn so we can get the walls and roof on before it starts snowing :).

    P.S. Scroll back up to that first family photo and notice how baby D is posing with her mini shovel. We did not plan it that way but her little pose is priceless. I can’t get enough of her sweetie pie-ness :).


    We’ve been getting out more and taking the opportunity to create lasting memories with our children.

    Traveling to California:

    We flew to California to visit Vadim’s family and stayed a little longer than usual.

    Natasha, her husband, and son smiling at the camera with a plane behind them

    The baby loved being on the airplane. Now anytime we mention airplanes, she says, “Can I go on airplane, please?” and then she asks for the rest of the day. It’s best not to mention airplanes to the little dear unless we are flying out that day ;).

    Two photos one of two children and one of Natasha and her daughter sitting in an airplane

    Our primary goal in California was to visit family and friends. My husband is from Sacramento so we visit annually and hope to make the trip bi-annually going forward because life is just too short not to.

    Two photos one of two couples and one of woman and children

    We stopped at Apple Hill in Cali where we loaded up on apples, 2 giant apple pies and several jugs of the best apple cider I have ever tried.

    A group of people walking down a dirt road

    Two photos one of Natasha and one of her husband

    With my beautiful sister-in-laws, Zhanna and Alina.

    Natasha and two other women posing for the camera

    I’m so glad these boys have each other as cousins. They are all close in age and have so much fun together. I only wish they lived a little closer.

    A group of kids posing for a photo behind a farm cutout

    I can’t get over how big she looks in these photos. My baby is growing way to fast. Time, slow down!!

    Two photos of Natasha holding her daughter and smiling

    We also stopped at the Sacramento Zoo, which was neat since the variety of animals was completely different from our zoo, probably because we have cold winters in Boise. Baby D still talks about the flamingos. Natasha and her two children looking at a woman that is holding something

    And we took this hilarious picture because who can resist?

    Two children posing behind a cutout of kangaroos that says Sacramento Zoo

    In-N-Out!! Every.single.time we are in California, we stop here. It’s tradition since we don’t have one in Idaho.

    Natasha and her daughter sitting at a restaurant booth

    Back home, we’ve been doing some casual adventuring; taking the kids to the local corn mazes (and we have 2 really good ones in town!)

    Natasha and her two children walking through a corn maze

    We’re getting out in the crisp Autumn air, taking random walks and trips to the parks. It’s so good and the kiddos love it. And is it just me, or does baby D look SO grown up?

    Natasha cuddling her daughter and holding a to-go cup with a field behind them

    Two children one riding a bike and one running down a dirt road

    When my son decided he didn’t want to ride his bike anymore…

    Natasha riding a bike with her two children walking beside her down a dirt road

    …and I just wasn’t fast enough. It’s hard to pedal on a small bike – ok?

    Natasha on a bike with her son pushing her

    And my husband has been brushing up on his photography skills seeing the beautiful in everything.

    A close up of a barb wire wooden fence

    Spending time with family is good for my soul 🙂

    A father and his two children hugging each other

    Well, if you’ve hung on this far, tell me about your adventures in a comment below! What have you been up to this Autumn? I just love connecting with you here :).

    Loads of Love,

    Natasha, Vadim, Big D and Baby D ❤️

    Leave a Comment


    • Kelly Asher
      September 25, 2020

      Hey Natasha, I just wanted to tell you I love every recipe of yours that I have made. I tell everyone I about how easy and delicious I think your are recipes. My kids will say, “This is so go!” And I reply, “You can thank Natasha!” Lol. I just wanted to thank you for the awesome recipes! Have a wonderful day! Kelly


      • Natashas Kitchen
        September 25, 2020

        Awww that’s the best! Thank you so much for sharing that with me! I’m all smiles


    • Sheila
      December 7, 2017

      Hi Natasha,
      I really love your recipes and your blog. I look forward to watching your “dream home” become a reality! All in God’s perfect timing. When we were looking a house, like you, we didn’t find what we wanted so we chose to tear down the old one and built our own on the property that was my parents. It’s just over an acre, no neighbors close (about a 1/2 block distance away) woods across as it’s a bird/wildlife sanctuary. It’s peaceful. Funny, as s young adult I disliked it but now we call it our little piece of heaven. May God bless you and your family.


      • Natasha
        December 7, 2017

        I’m so happy for you! What an awesome story! I know it’s not really on the same plane but it makes me think of how much I disliked borscht when I was a kid only to come to consider it one of my very favorite soups as an adult. 🙂 Your location sounds dreamy!! 🙂


    • Tzivia
      November 14, 2017

      Oh and btw congrats and good luck on your new home


      • Natasha's Kitchen
        November 14, 2017

        Thank you so much! 🙂


    • Tzivia
      November 14, 2017

      Wow what a very beautiful family g-d bless and my how your kiddos have grown love the pix and of course your recipes girl lol enjoy and happy fall cheers


      • Natasha
        November 15, 2017

        Thank you Tzivia! God bless you also 🙂


    • Precious @ Precious Core
      November 9, 2017

      I’d been wondering if you finally got a home then I came here and saw this update. So happy for you, Natasha! Building a home from scratch should be very exciting. We are currently looking to buy our first home and we trust that God will guide us. He always has. God is so faithful! Can’t wait to see your new home and how amazing your kitchen will be. Blessings.


      • Natasha
        November 10, 2017

        Thank you so much for your sweet words :-). May the Lord give you the desires of your heart in your new home! That’s so exciting!! 🙂 Blessings to you also!


    • Tzivia
      November 5, 2017

      Omg wow congrats so happy that you guys are gonna have a home of your own very soon it feels great to be in a place of your own what a beautiful family my how big they are getting


      • Natasha
        November 6, 2017

        Thank you Tzivia! 🙂


    • Feathers
      November 1, 2017

      Congratulations, may you soon be living in your home. God bless you all. 💞


      • Natasha
        November 1, 2017

        Thank you so much!! God bless you also 🙂


    • Pamela Byington
      October 31, 2017

      Have you been to the train musem in old Sacramento. So much fun, you absolutely have to go if you havent yet. I am in SW Boise, what part are you in. Hope you have a good builder. When we moved here my daughter told us the two we should definitely avoid. Hoping for a milder winter this year, but from what I have heard, will be as bad or worse.


      • Natasha
        November 1, 2017

        Pamela, I’ve actually visited train museum there but would love to take my daughter next time since only my son been there. we are in Meridian, and so far pleased with our builder. I’m really hoping for milder winter for sure 😬


    • Val Folken
      October 31, 2017

      So nice to hear about your adventures. Had one also, went to Ukraine for the first time. Usually see my cousins on Skype, got to meet them in person. Never thought that would happen. Loved Ukraine, so beautiful. Maybe I’ll go again and then visit my them in the country.


      • Natasha
        November 1, 2017

        Val, thank you for sharing that with us 😁. I would love to visit Ukraine one day as well.


    • Dina
      October 31, 2017

      Natasha congratulations on breaking ground! That’s such wonderful news. We’ve also been looking for our dream home and came to the conclusion that it really doesn’t exist. We have been looking for land so we can also build our dream home. Its a tough market right now though. Seeing your post gave me a little more hope lol. I keep reminding myself… it’s all in God’s hands. Your family and your faith is truly inspirational. Love your blog! Excited to follow along as you show updates on the progress of your home 🙂


      • Natasha
        November 1, 2017

        Dina, I’m glad this post is encouraging for you. May God bless you, trust that He has perfect place picked out for you 😀


        • Dina
          November 1, 2017

          Thank you Natasha! ❤️


    • Phyllis
      October 28, 2017

      The IdahoStatesmen newspaper, recently said : In n Out will be coming to Idaho in the near future! Where?? Mean while, being from So. Calif., we eat Freddie’s Steakhouse & Custard to ease the pain of no In n Out, it’s the closest we can get!
      Always love your recipes!


      • Natasha
        October 28, 2017

        Whaaaat?! YES!! That is excellent news!! 🙂


    • Cindy M.
      October 28, 2017

      Hellofrom beautiful Spokane! We have an AWESOME agricultural area not far from town, Greenbluff. My sister and brother-in-law from Boise 😊 were here a few weekends ago and we took them out for their first visit. We had the traditional fresh, hot out of the fryer, pumpkin donuts….ohhhhh yeaaaaahhhh 😁 did a corn maze, picked apples and stopped at another farm to check out their gift shop. I love canning all sorts of jams and veggies, but my annual favorite, by far, is making apple pie filling – it is SO yummy and I love looking at the beautiful finished product lined up on my shelf!


      • Natasha
        October 28, 2017

        Oh my goodness homemade pumpkin donuts sound amazing!! If you could share a recipe, that would be awesome! 😉 You’re making me crave them for sure. Thank you for sharing – that sounds like such a fun-filled and perfect way to experience Autumn.


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